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Forex Robots - The Hype of a Regular Income But the Reality is They All Lose Money

The Forex robot industry is huge on line and naive traders continually think they are going to spend a couple of hundred of dollars and get rich with no effort common sense though tells you this message can't be true and it isn't all these systems lose money.

If you think about it 95% of all Forex traders lose money, so its obvious you need to make some effort and if any of these systems did work, the whole world would be trading and not bothering to work.

These systems lose money and despite there grand claims not one of them can produce an independent track record of gains. So what do you get?

Just back tested simulations on paper knowing the closing prices but that is so easy a child could do it and make money, Not knowing what the price is, makes Forex trading the challenge it is. There are some robots that put out figures they say are true and in real time - but you have to take their word for it! So no outside check and you have to rely on the person selling you the system for the track record and personally, I would like an independent audit.

The track records they produce would make Warren Buffet and all the world's top traders look average but have any of the big investment houses, sacked there multi million pound dealing teams in favor of a cheap bit of software? Of course they haven't because anyone can see they will not work in real time and an equity wipe out will occur.

These cheap software packages give the Forex industry and bad name and just like the sure fire gambling and betting courses people let greed blind them to the obvious reality that they don't work and that's why there so cheap!

If you want to win at Forex trading do what all traders do who make money and that's get an education and learn skills. You have to spend some time on your education but for the time you spend, no other industry can reward you so much for your effort, as global Forex trading.

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Marina Bracken November 25, 2009 at 9:32 PM  

Forex robots are tools that assist individuals to attain their undertaking of making money on the foreign exchange market. These tools are offered in packages that have been creatively designed. There are thousands of such Forex robots offered in the market that helps to spin money.Forex robots are the software especially designed to carry out trade in the forex market.
Forex Robots

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