Trend Articles Collection


Helicopter Simulator Game and Things to Be Aware Of

The phrase helicopter simulator game is something of a fairly loose definition because it encompasses a number of different issues and concepts, for example, the game maybe solely educational based where a greater emphasis will be placed on the accuracy and realism of the vehicles contained within the game. Physics and issues such as wind velocity, engine turbulence and collisions have all been coded into the engine of the simulator to ensure that the experience is as realistic as possible and on that basis then, the simulator is a game only in the strictest of senses.
The helicopter simulator game has to be one of the most commonly coded and most popular of all of the various internet games and this is in part due to the ease in which the game can be coded (at least, a basic, bare bones game that is). Indeed, if you take even a cursory glance at a freelancing coder site you will typically find that many coders will actually include a helicopter game in their portfolio in order to more eloquently convey their expertise and experience in the various areas coded in such as the physics and collision.
If you simply want to play these games and have no interest in making them for yourself, please be advised that the process is a little more involved and complex than simply handing over your cash or credit card for the game in question in order to take it home with you. You need to make sure that the game is actually compatible with the specifications of your computer and if your machine is not powerful enough to run the game then you will find that you are left with a white elephant on your hands, a most undesirable turn of events by any stretch of the imagination.
If in doubt, ask! Either ask the store clerk or jump onto the internet and access the game producers website and ask them directly whether or not your current machine will be able to run the game (or not) as the case maybe. I would personally recommend emailing them because this way you are guaranteed a speedy response and this will also mean that you do not need to worry about the hefty phone bill that will shortly be coming into your mailbox as you spend hours on the phone trying to speak to a technical advisor.
Rest assured, I have tested out nearly every Flight Sim on the market today, and I have found one which I can personally recommend.
Stop wasting your money and time on disappointing flight simulators.
I have put them all through the test and after hundreds of hours flying I have finally found a winner and I can guarantee it will be the closest you will get to a Real Life Flying. experience without actually leaving your house.
George Cayley
Independent Reviewer

Flight Sim Games - You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Flight sim games are used by civil aviation and the military to train their pilots in difficult and critical situations such as engine failures, malfunctions in systems - e.g. hydraulic or electrical - or the cockpit instruments. The training is conducted through flight sim games to gain experience and practice for untoward incidents.
The flight sim games also train pilots in different aircrafts and models and acquaint them with the varying systems and controls. Night flying and different, usually extreme, weather conditions are simulated as well to test and train the pilots.
The amazing thing is that these same flight sim games are available to us all. As always there is a wide variety in terms of quality but you can get some reasonably priced high-end games that combine great graphics with realistic systems and controls. This gives you the opportunity to become a virtual pilot sitting in your own home.
Flight sim games are now available on java-enabled cell phones so you can look at where you are standing from the perspective of a plane above you. Or you can fly to war in a formation while taking the train to work. You can also get games that reproduce famous flying combats of the past such as the Pearl Harbor attack or the Battle of Britain. Numbers of people are attracted by the action and combat replicated in these games.
However, most people get into flight simulation games for the authentic thrill inherent in flying itself, which is stimulation and spectacle enough. They also like the camaraderie of being able to fly along with others or share their experiences of flying with others. Flight sim games can be modified to your needs and preferences. They allow persons of any level to fly the virtual skies and control aircraft without anything going wrong.
The major developments in web-based animation and graphic design (partly driven by the military's demand for flight simulation training) have brought flight sim games to a virtual imitation of real life flying. Superb graphics have recreated all the major airports in the world with their slopes, lighting, and surrounding topography.
Scenery has become realistic and animated - as you move through the sky on your flight the surrounding countryside will change to reflect your new position and the planets and sun will adjust their positions to yours.
Sound effects are another major development adding to the verisimilitude of flight sim games. Whether it is the noises within the cockpit, the clicking and whirring of the control panel, the vibration of the instruments or the impact of the weather on the flight, they all heighten the fascination of flying. Ejector seats to bail out just before crashing are supported in some flight sim games.
Flight sim games are enthralling fun because they replicate the risks and stresses of real life but allow us to be in control of each and every aspect of the situation at the same time. It is one of the few times when we have our cake and can eat it too.
Click here for tips & tricks in choosing a flight simulator game - what to look for, what to look out for - and other articles and free stuff to make your flying more fun.
I enjoy my flight game simulator now and you can too. See the recommendations and reviews on my website
- Michael

The Chinese Game Go - 5 Tips For Becoming Stronger!

The Chinese game of go is an interesting game that is growing in popularity throughout the world. Here are 5 tips for beginners on how to become stronger at the Chinese game go.

  1. Play in the biggest areas. As written in the most ancient of go documents, playing in the big open areas is the most beneficial in the Chinese game go. Although it may look like you get more points by playing your stones close to each other, building a framework will pay off. Also know that the biggest areas on the board are the corners, then the sides, and the center last. This is because it takes the least amount of moves to surround the corner, and the most to surround the same amount of territory in the center.
  2. Stay connected. This is a famous go proverb that can be hard to follow. Connecting your stones can often look very slow, and indeed sometimes they are. But remember that you should try to never have more than 4 separate groups on the board. It will then become very difficult to prevent all your groups from dying.
  3. Remember to read. Reading out moves, that is visualizing how the board will look several moves ahead, is important for becoming stronger at the Chinese game go. Always remember to visualize what you think might happen before you place a stone on the goban. It is a great feeling to win by reading out sequences your opponent didn't see.
  4. Always question the state of groups. If one of your groups looks like it might die, protect it, and if it's your opponents, attack it. This may seem a bit obvious, but it's very common to lose games by not paying attention to all of the groups on the board.
  5. Don't follow your opponent. If you let the opponent dictate where you'll play, you will most likely lose the game. When your opponent places a stone, look at the whole board before deciding if responding to his move is the best. A common problem among beginners is that they don't pay attention to the whole board, and often play in the same area as the opponent without thinking.
For more tips on the Chinese game go, as well as go book reviews, go software reviews, detailed explanation of the rules of go and other go information, check out this website:

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Trend Articles Collection by Noman khan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 India License.
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