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Helicopter Simulator Game and Things to Be Aware Of

The phrase helicopter simulator game is something of a fairly loose definition because it encompasses a number of different issues and concepts, for example, the game maybe solely educational based where a greater emphasis will be placed on the accuracy and realism of the vehicles contained within the game. Physics and issues such as wind velocity, engine turbulence and collisions have all been coded into the engine of the simulator to ensure that the experience is as realistic as possible and on that basis then, the simulator is a game only in the strictest of senses.
The helicopter simulator game has to be one of the most commonly coded and most popular of all of the various internet games and this is in part due to the ease in which the game can be coded (at least, a basic, bare bones game that is). Indeed, if you take even a cursory glance at a freelancing coder site you will typically find that many coders will actually include a helicopter game in their portfolio in order to more eloquently convey their expertise and experience in the various areas coded in such as the physics and collision.
If you simply want to play these games and have no interest in making them for yourself, please be advised that the process is a little more involved and complex than simply handing over your cash or credit card for the game in question in order to take it home with you. You need to make sure that the game is actually compatible with the specifications of your computer and if your machine is not powerful enough to run the game then you will find that you are left with a white elephant on your hands, a most undesirable turn of events by any stretch of the imagination.
If in doubt, ask! Either ask the store clerk or jump onto the internet and access the game producers website and ask them directly whether or not your current machine will be able to run the game (or not) as the case maybe. I would personally recommend emailing them because this way you are guaranteed a speedy response and this will also mean that you do not need to worry about the hefty phone bill that will shortly be coming into your mailbox as you spend hours on the phone trying to speak to a technical advisor.
Rest assured, I have tested out nearly every Flight Sim on the market today, and I have found one which I can personally recommend.
Stop wasting your money and time on disappointing flight simulators.
I have put them all through the test and after hundreds of hours flying I have finally found a winner and I can guarantee it will be the closest you will get to a Real Life Flying. experience without actually leaving your house.
George Cayley
Independent Reviewer

Flight Sim Games - You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Flight sim games are used by civil aviation and the military to train their pilots in difficult and critical situations such as engine failures, malfunctions in systems - e.g. hydraulic or electrical - or the cockpit instruments. The training is conducted through flight sim games to gain experience and practice for untoward incidents.
The flight sim games also train pilots in different aircrafts and models and acquaint them with the varying systems and controls. Night flying and different, usually extreme, weather conditions are simulated as well to test and train the pilots.
The amazing thing is that these same flight sim games are available to us all. As always there is a wide variety in terms of quality but you can get some reasonably priced high-end games that combine great graphics with realistic systems and controls. This gives you the opportunity to become a virtual pilot sitting in your own home.
Flight sim games are now available on java-enabled cell phones so you can look at where you are standing from the perspective of a plane above you. Or you can fly to war in a formation while taking the train to work. You can also get games that reproduce famous flying combats of the past such as the Pearl Harbor attack or the Battle of Britain. Numbers of people are attracted by the action and combat replicated in these games.
However, most people get into flight simulation games for the authentic thrill inherent in flying itself, which is stimulation and spectacle enough. They also like the camaraderie of being able to fly along with others or share their experiences of flying with others. Flight sim games can be modified to your needs and preferences. They allow persons of any level to fly the virtual skies and control aircraft without anything going wrong.
The major developments in web-based animation and graphic design (partly driven by the military's demand for flight simulation training) have brought flight sim games to a virtual imitation of real life flying. Superb graphics have recreated all the major airports in the world with their slopes, lighting, and surrounding topography.
Scenery has become realistic and animated - as you move through the sky on your flight the surrounding countryside will change to reflect your new position and the planets and sun will adjust their positions to yours.
Sound effects are another major development adding to the verisimilitude of flight sim games. Whether it is the noises within the cockpit, the clicking and whirring of the control panel, the vibration of the instruments or the impact of the weather on the flight, they all heighten the fascination of flying. Ejector seats to bail out just before crashing are supported in some flight sim games.
Flight sim games are enthralling fun because they replicate the risks and stresses of real life but allow us to be in control of each and every aspect of the situation at the same time. It is one of the few times when we have our cake and can eat it too.
Click here for tips & tricks in choosing a flight simulator game - what to look for, what to look out for - and other articles and free stuff to make your flying more fun.
I enjoy my flight game simulator now and you can too. See the recommendations and reviews on my website
- Michael

The Chinese Game Go - 5 Tips For Becoming Stronger!

The Chinese game of go is an interesting game that is growing in popularity throughout the world. Here are 5 tips for beginners on how to become stronger at the Chinese game go.

  1. Play in the biggest areas. As written in the most ancient of go documents, playing in the big open areas is the most beneficial in the Chinese game go. Although it may look like you get more points by playing your stones close to each other, building a framework will pay off. Also know that the biggest areas on the board are the corners, then the sides, and the center last. This is because it takes the least amount of moves to surround the corner, and the most to surround the same amount of territory in the center.
  2. Stay connected. This is a famous go proverb that can be hard to follow. Connecting your stones can often look very slow, and indeed sometimes they are. But remember that you should try to never have more than 4 separate groups on the board. It will then become very difficult to prevent all your groups from dying.
  3. Remember to read. Reading out moves, that is visualizing how the board will look several moves ahead, is important for becoming stronger at the Chinese game go. Always remember to visualize what you think might happen before you place a stone on the goban. It is a great feeling to win by reading out sequences your opponent didn't see.
  4. Always question the state of groups. If one of your groups looks like it might die, protect it, and if it's your opponents, attack it. This may seem a bit obvious, but it's very common to lose games by not paying attention to all of the groups on the board.
  5. Don't follow your opponent. If you let the opponent dictate where you'll play, you will most likely lose the game. When your opponent places a stone, look at the whole board before deciding if responding to his move is the best. A common problem among beginners is that they don't pay attention to the whole board, and often play in the same area as the opponent without thinking.
For more tips on the Chinese game go, as well as go book reviews, go software reviews, detailed explanation of the rules of go and other go information, check out this website:

PSP Graffiti Pouches Vs Cases Release Now

Graffiti, as a new kind of culture, has been quite popular over the whole world. It is not only an abstract art, but also a fashionable tool which can bring people wonderful visual enjoyment and high quality works.
Due to the great popularity of graffiti, many manufacturers begin to produce some goods which are carved with graffiti patterns, PSP graffiti pouch included.
Here I will tell the three main features of graffiti products have.
The first one is color. If you take time to notice it, you can see that many graffiti products are with white and black colors. White and black are the most two classical ones. What is more, sometimes there will be red color.
The second one is the material of graffiti products. Most graffiti products are made of high-class PU. PU, also known as polyurethane, is any polymer consisting of a chain of organic units joined by urethane (carbamate) links.
The main four benefits that polyurethane brings us are as follows:
1.Extraordinary reliability.
2.Good fire resistance.
3.Good crash-worthiness.
4.Good anti-cracking strength.

Because of these good advantages, there are many accessories especially some pouches or cases are made of high quality PU.
To sum up, there are many products that contain graffiti and PU together. These kinds of products have been widely popular around the whole world. Among them, there is a very classical one, PSP Graffiti Pouch. It is with YKK zippers. It can be recognized as a perfect thing of graffiti and PU together. wishes everybody a happy new year 2010!

How Do Gaming Technologies Discipline Their Users and Prepare Them For Management?

Technology has advanced at a rapid rate during the last twenty years. New technologies have created new ways of living with more technological possibilities than ever before. One possibility was the video game market, which has now grown to the stage where people are playing all over the world. The market for video games is continually expanding with many games now reaching similar revenues to that of top Hollywood films. The extent to which these technologies have prepared and disciplined users for the work organisation would appear at first to be very little as it would be assumed just a game. However there could be many similarities which have helped people improve organisational and management skills.
Many video games are another persons reality. The example of the football manager series, can be seen as a direct example of the presence of management and organisation in a video game. This allows users to control, direct and instruct a football team as if it were there job to do so. Football Manager is one of many simulations, others including Roller coaster Tycoon, Sim City, Medal of Honor, all being real life occupations which many people desire due to the market size for these simulation games. It is common however that these players do not choose to try and follow this career path. The video game is seen as a method of escapism into a world which is totally different to everyday life. This raises the question whether anything learnt from a video game can be applied in a persons 'real' job. The possibility in the mind of the person/gamer is two worlds which are separate entities which will not allow transferable skills, one being fantasy and the other a reality.
Discipline in an organisation would require an employee/employer to work hard at carrying out the relevant tasks. These tasks would be usually to built to achieve aims, goals and objectives for the organisation. These goals have been set to reach a mission statement. This situation could be likened to a video game. An example being Grand Theft Auto, the organisational goals are individual missions, the mission statement being to complete the game to 100%. The employee/employer and the gamer will work/play to achieve these overall goals and if they are reached then benefits will arise out of them. The gamer feels rewarded with a sense of achievement and so does the employee, although monetary gain is also likely in the work organisation. The skills required are focus, determination and belief to succeed towards an overall objective which is an essential skill in an organisation, providing the basis for good management skills. With both these skill needed for games and management it could be possible that video games prepare or highlight people with the necessary skills to focus on goals and objectives. This proving them to be more prepared for management in the workplace.
Everyday management in the workplace requires co-ordination and communication skills. An employer will need to delegate tasks to another employee, allowing large scale operations to be complete successfully. This is also present in video games, especially multi-player shoot-em-ups. With a headset a player can instruct teams and armies to attack/defend or other tactics to try and win the battle. This involves communicating plans effectively, under pressure, skills which are seen valuable in the work environment. However the extent to which these skills are developed when playing games could be questioned. The gamer may have already acquired them elsewhere and gaming is simply putting them into practice, which would not prepare them for the work organisation anymore than they already were.
Video games are a leisure activity which is not associated with work. The discipline of the two are very different as the worker and gamer are in very different situations. The worker could be considered as under 'real' pressure to complete work. The gamer however is in a relaxed environment, with little outside pressure to complete the game, even though it may be important to the individual it does not have any affects on colleagues if the game is not complete where as in work organisations it does.
Video game technologies can be recognised as requiring similar skills to that of management in work organisations, but they are very limited. The discipline and preparation to become a successful manager in a work organisation will require a lot more than decent gaming skills. I believe the two activities have no correlation between good gamer and good manager, however this remains to be proved. The video game and work organisation are two completely different situations requiring a different state of mind in each.
Game Cheats can be found on Cheat Extreme

Logitech G27 Racing Wheel For Hard-Core Gamers

The Logitech G27 is a gaming device developed mainly for the gaming fans. It is developed mainly for the hard core gamers who love to experience every bit of the game, and play it in true sense. It is designed to provide the best racing experience to the PlayStation gaming station users and PC gamers.
The latest generation Logitech G27 Racing Wheel comes with authoritative dual-motor force mechanism that accurately and smoothly delivers high level of fidelity force effects to the leather wheel, ensuring that you feel the minutest details like surface vibrations of the road, weight shift and traction loss.
The helical gear provided in the device delivers smooth steering action, avoiding unwanted vibration and noise. The 6-speed gated shifter in the device helps you in choosing the correct gear every single time, while the shift LED indicators assist you to figure out when to make an up shift and a down shift.
It is fully loaded with sophisticated controls including RPM/shift indicator LEDs, 16 programmable buttons, steel brake, clutch and gas pedals, D-pad, 11-inch leather-wrapped rim and much more.
It takes gaming to the next level of realism and it simply doesn't get better than this. With the Paddle shifters, you can enjoy lighting fast F1 style shifting, and feel the thrill of every turn you take, and securing the victory after a breath-taking competition.
The Logitech G27 is absolutely a fascinating deal, but only if you're willing to shell out $299.99 on a gaming accessory. It is compatible with PS2, PS3, PC and several other gaming consoles. It is currently available in the European and US markets.
Steve Crown has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and gaming, but you can also check out his latest website on Making Homes Affordable which covers the political and financial problems with procuring a mortgage modification using the hardship affidavit form.

D&D Character Sheet - Your Road Map

If you have heard of Dungeons and Dragons, then you may know enough to simply shake your head at how weird of a game it is. I used to be like that. I had friends who played and I just smile indulgently at them. "What nerds!" I thought. A few years later, and I find that I am one of those nerds.
The game is fun and easy, once you have a few basics down. There are lots of props for the game, everything from dungeon tiles (which help the game master design the game) to maps to miniatures, but what you really need is imagination. The easiest way I can describe D&D is to say that it is shared storytelling. There is an agreed upon universe (for example, a world of magic and dragons, versus, say, a world of robots and aliens) and the players create a character that will move through the universe like a game piece.
For readers familiar with video games, a Dungeons and Dragon character sheet will sound familiar. The reason for this is that the video game mechanics are often taken directly from D&D. So your character will have a certain score for strength and smarts and dexterity. These scores will tell you how likely it is that your character can do something. Rolling dice help introduce an element of luck. Here's an example: let's say that you are playing a character who is a talented swordsman. As in real life, sometimes talent in one area means you are lacking in another. This swordsman has high scores on strength, dexterity and intelligence. He does not have much charm, however. So when it comes to sweet talking a bar maid, the swordsman might have a difficult time!
The character sheet keeps the game honest. The game master will have her own copy of the sheet, so she knows exactly what score you need to convince the bar maid to tell you the information. Without a sheet of attributes, you have no road map for how the game could play out. In a shared story game, as any role playing game will be, you need to have a sense of where your character is going and what motivates him or her.
The game is complex -- as you would expect with a game that needs at least three people and a backpack worth of books to play. The tools seem daunting at first but as you begin to understand them, the game will also begin to make sense. And when it does, you are in for a wild ride!
To learn more about D&D visit Dungeon Divas. For more on Dungeons and Dragons miniatures click here.

Reaching Gold Cap Review - John Hunter

John Hunter, author of the new Reaching Gold Cap course, claims he can teach you how to get the gold cap in just "7 easy lessons". I decided to do a review on this guide and the questions I set out to answer are the following:

  1. Is this legitimate?
  2. Can you really reach gold cap?
  3. Are the 7 lessons actually easy?
  4. Is it worth the money?
  5. What do you really get?
For those of you considering using this product, here's what I came up with.
Is this legitimate?
Sometimes you find products online, especially information products that are a scam. This is not one of them. The purchase is handled through and upon purchasing the guide you are immediately sent login instructions where you can login and view the guide in HTML format.
Can you really reach the gold cap?
I don't have an answer to this one as I just recently purchased the guide and have only been using it for a few weeks. What I will say is, the methods to reach the gold cap are very unique and I've never thought about doing some of these things before. I've read all the lessons but in game I'm still not to the end lesson so I've made some gold and I'll keep following it and see how I do.
Are the 7 lessons actually easy?
Yes and no. The beginning startup lessons are very easy to follow, some of the later advanced lessons, especially passed 20,000 gold become harder to implement. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not used to these ideas or haven't practiced them, but the lessons toward the end require you to do some really creative things.
Is it worth the money?
If you like using the auction house to make gold and want an advanced insider course on server arbitrage, cross-realm trading, and stuff of that nature, then this is probably worth the money. However, if you don't like the auction house, this guide is not for you, as that is all the guide focuses on is Auction House related activities.
What do you really get?
What you really get is probably one of the most advanced auction house gold making guides I've seen on the market. What you won't get is other ways to make gold in any amount of details. This guide is comprised of strictly Auction House gold making.
To see more reviews like this one, check out WoW Guide Reviews or check out WoW Guides for World of Warcraft information.

What Comprises a Board Chess Set?

Known as the 'game of kings', chess is thought to have originated some 5,000 years ago in India. This fascinating game can be enjoyed by anyone. It can be played on a professional level or just for the fun of it. Today the game of chess is even taught in many schools. If you haven't heard about chess, let's look at what a Board Chess Set is all about.
The game is played on a black and white checkered board. Only two people can play ' one versus the other. There are a total of 32 pieces in a board chess set ' 16 black pieces for one player, and 16 white pieces for the opponent. Each player has one queen, one king, 2 knights, 2 rooks and 8 pawns.
Each piece has a different capability and a different value. The objective of the game is put your opponent's King in a position known as 'checkmate'. This means the King is trapped and cannot move anywhere without being captured. Therefore, while playing the game, each player will be aware of keeping the King protected.
In order to get your opponent's King in a vulnerable position you will need to eliminate as many of your opponent's other pieces in your quest to attack the King. The fewer pieces your opponent has, the less protection for the King. Don't forget that your opponent is trying to do the same thing, so you have to defend whilst attacking.
Each chess piece is permitted to move a specific way. A rook may move through as many empty squares as possible, but it may only move in one column at a time ' up, back, left or right. A bishop may also move through as many empty squares as possible, but it may only move diagonally.
The queen is the most powerful when it comes to moving. She may move through as many empty squares as she likes, and in any direction. The king may only move one square at a time in any direction. A knight moves in an 'L' shape, i. E. Two squares in any row, plus one square to the left or right. The least mobile piece is the pawn ' it may only move one square forward in any move. The only exception is at the start of a game when the pawn may move two squares forward.
The art of being a good chess player simply comes down to logic. You have to plan your moves and anticipate what your opponent is likely to do in every situation. Children as young as 5 can play brilliant chess and may beat many an adult. Like any game, or sport, the more you play the better you will become.
Chess is so popular because it is easy to understand. Even someone who has never played can pick up the basics after learning how each piece moves. In a short time, the novice will start devising his or her own strategies. This is what makes chess so fascinating. No two games are ever the same. Each player has their own individual way of playing.
Board Chess has high quality chess sets for sale. Also available are backgammon sets, mah-jong, domino's and more.Our products are made by talented artisans in various countries and are constructed of fine materials with superb detailing. Ideal for collectors or gaming enthusiasts, Board Chess products make wonderful gifts and will surpass your expectations.

Cloud Gaming and Video Games

Dedicated gaming consoles and actual physical media are dying out, to be replaced by online delivery of games, and gaming platforms mixed in with other multimedia devices. Online games will be stored in "The Cloud" and delivered through the internet.
The Cloud is already important to a lot of people. Accessing email online via a browsed and using Google Docs for example involves accessing documents that are stored in the cloud. It's where the files that are viewed, edited and saved online are stored and means they can be accessed anywhere in the world and do not fill up hard drives on personal computers.
Within the gaming industry itself, the cloud and cloud gaming could cause the biggest change to gaming since the first gaming consoles were released in the 1970's. All games will be played online and the software and files themselves will be stored on hubs of servers across the country. The "Cloud Gaming" generation won't own actual physical media such as video game disks, and they won't store them on a hard drive. Instead they'll connect to central servers, on which the games are stored and actually processed. While lag is a common cause for concern, developers claim to have reduced lag to less than one millisecond.
Here is a diagram of how Cloud Gaming is likely to work:
Console Gaming
Gamer > Controller > Console > TV
Cloud Gaming
Gamer > Controller > 3rd Party Box / PC > Internet > 3rd Party Servers > Internet > 3rd Party Box > PC
For the household gamer this will mean several big changes. With all software and processing hardware stored remotely and used online there will be no software, disks or consoles to purchase which means high street gaming brands will face brand new challenges to stay in business. The gamer will have access to a greater quantity and variety of games online in return for a monthly or annual subscription, which will also give smaller independent games developers the chance to sell more games to a greater base of people.
Cloud Gaming is reporting on here by Game Hub, a leading resource for video game news, providing news, reviews, previes and features about all aspects of the video game industry.

Video Games Testing - A Perfect Way to Earn Money

Video games are found in all parts of the world and have users from all walks of life. People of different age groups have a passion for Video games and they spend hours together gaming. This craze for the product has increased the turnover of the companies manufacturing games which has touched the billion dollar mark. More number of companies are coming up with numerous products in the gaming industry. There is huge competition to maintain market share and surpass other companies. The product can be successful only if its features are tested properly and the end product reaching the user is free of bugs. The gaming industry spends huge money in making the product and any minute glitch or small bug might waste the investment. Such companies want professional and real time testers to test the products.
Video games testing has become a good money making program these days, with gaming companies hiring common people who spend their most time playing on the console, for testing the game before the final product is launched into the market. Thus any designing, programming and graphic defects can be removed before the public gets the product for playing. The people hired for game testing do not require special qualifications to take up this job of reviewing the product. They should have ample experience of gaming and should be confident enough to showcase their gaming skills. The feedback of the testers helps the gaming house to improve the product and remove any bugs. This is a complete win-win strategy; the company saves its reputation by launching quality products and the testers earn handsome income from Video games testing. It is very easy to earn good income from playing.
The gaming junkies can prove their mettle by using their gaming skills to make loads of money. There are some websites that provide guidance about online business and also train people on the techniques to get success in earning. Hard core video-gamers get the chance to play a new game even before its launch and get paid for playing. They play a crucial role in the success of the video game by testing and providing feedback. The companies not only pay handsome money for these services but also allow them to have the game for free.
For more information about Video games testing and learning the strategies to earn handsomely from Video games testing please visit our website.

Believe it or not, testing video games is an actual form of employment. You need to be a professional, even more so than suit and tie jobs. Video game testing is fun if you really have a love for playing video games. The fact is, you are playing to catch bugs and problem situations in the game.
The First Misconception:
Video testing pays $200 an hour. Of course this is false information! Various people running money-making schemes would love for you to believe this myth. However, $10 to $15 an hour is a much more reasonable wage for a beginning game tester. As you gain experience, your salary increases accordingly, and some testers earn as much as $80 an hour.
The Second Myth:
Any kid who likes video games can be hired to test them. Nope, this is not true. Legitimate companies won't hire anyone younger than 18 years of age; this is because of labor laws that are in place. Consequently, they only provide work for adults over the age of 18.
The Third Misconception:
You only need to play through the game and then send your comment. The truth is that a tester needs to play a game continuously until they find some sort of bugs in the system. The game company will send instructions with each game that should be read carefully so that you can include all required information in your report.
The Fourth Misconception:
A proficient game tester will be a very educated person with above average computer skills. While it does not hurt to be computer literate, there are no educational requirements for this position. And even when it comes to computers, as long as you are not computer illiterate and you have some average level of ability in using various technological devices, you should be fine. All you have to be able to do is help yourself.
No college degree is necessary for this job. Familiarity in either console or PC gaming, combined with a talent for noticing details, will be the two skills that serve you best when trying to land one of these jobs. Game testing is a quite new career in the field of gaming. You have as much chance to become a professional game tester as much as the other gamer. Just take things step by step, and you may find yourself advancing to the next level: professional game testing! Video game testing can be enjoyable and profitable for passionate gamers, but be careful for scams and myths surrounding the industry.
Visit my site for more information on video games testing. You really can become a video game tester. Find out how.

Vintage Arcade Games

It's hard to imagine now, but there was a time when young people had to go to a local arcade in order to get their gaming fix. Home video games were just a beautiful dream - beyond the reach of then-current technology. Such a time probably seems unthinkable to modern youth, but the truth is, there was an astonishing variety of arcade games available to the young people of previous decades.
Vintage arcades once contained a veritable plethora of gaming choices. Fortune telling machines, diggers, shooting galleries, pinball machines, baseball and bowling simulators were to be found by the thousands across the nation.
Pinball was once the most popular table game in America. Evolved from a French device called a bagatelle, the purpose of pinball is to keep the metal ball bouncing around the playing field, hitting bumpers and going through gates, gaining points as it goes, without dropping through the holes at the bottom of the machine, which ends the game. Although pinball hasn't disappeared completely from modern arcades, it becomes more difficult to find the machines every year.
Pinball may have ruled the roost, but it got stiff competition from sports games. Mechanical baseball games allowed players to swing a small metal bat and try to hit the ball to designated targets out on the edge of the 'field.' Bowling and skee-ball games awarded players for knocking down pins and trying to get a perfect score.
Shooting galleries offered players the chance to test their skill against a variety of targets that would pop up or suddenly appear against an elaborate background. Often, these games featured input devices that really looked and felt like contemporary pistols or rifles - or, in more exotic games, even heavy machine guns.
This all may sound pedestrian to modern video game players, but the mechanical amusements contained in the vintage games enhanced play in that they could feature actual moving parts that made the games more amusing to younger players. Such effects as colored lighting (especially black light, which allowed for glow-in-the-dark features) enhanced the experience of the play.
The arcade games of the past provided a hands-on, sensual gaming experience which has to be experienced to be appreciated.

Castle Legos Make Great Props!

Castle Legos, the "Lord of the Rings" style of the Lego family, make wonderful props for Dungeons and Dragons games. Game masters are always on the look out for props to make the game play more fun and memorable for the players. I am lucky enough to have a Lego fan as my game master. This means that when she needs to have, let's say a siege weapon, for the game, she can dip into her Castle Lego collection for the very thing!
Legos are a bit taller than a standard Dungeons and Dragons miniature, so during actual game play it can be a bit confusing. However, the Legos are exactly the right width to fit on a standard battle mat. So when using the Lego troll warrior, he is just the right size to be considered a huge character. This in part describes how fast and far the creature can travel. It also help define how wide of a swing the huge creature has. (For non D&D players, these things matter during game play.)
This line of Legos works very well within the D&D universe. There are "good" guys and "bad" guys. The Legos have armor and helmets. They carry swords, axes and shields. All of these elements exist in Dungeons and Dragons. They are expanded within individual campaigns or adventures. This means that some pieces might work better than others, depending on your particular campaign.
A set like the "Drawbridge Defense" could be an amazing addition to a few nights of game play. There is a knight in golden armor, who could easily be a non-player character (NPC). The skeleton warriors (complete with skeleton horse!) would be easy to work up with D&D stats since the game is chock full of animated skeletons. There is even a "jester" Lego who would be perfect as an NPC bard.
If you really love your GM, you could consider spending $100 for the "Trolls Mountain Fortress." It is amazing: trolls and knights, and even a sorceress! The fortress has two working trebuchets and a drawbridge. All of these Castle Lego sets come with multiple figurines, so there's even more fun to be had.
So often D&D players and GMs stick with the traditional painted miniatures. Using Legos to liven up the game is a great idea. It does not detract from the fun of the role playing game. If anything, your players will lose themselves in the adventure as they try to save the Lego princess and thwart the evil sorceress.
To learn more about using Castle Legos in your game visit Dungeon Divas.

Legos For Girls and Gamers

I am a girl who loves games. My family played board games every weekend. My parents liked education toys and so we grew up playing with Lincoln Logs and Legos. My brother is just two years older so we shared those toys and it never occurred to me that Legos weren't "for girls."
In shopping for Legos for my D&D game, I stumbled upon a subset of Legos that were designed to appeal to girls. There's a zoo set and an animal care set. There's a farm set. They are designed for younger girls. So I looked harder and found the Belville line. What is in this line? Horses. And dogs. That is it, so far.
So I started thinking about girls I know. They are smart, funny and imaginative. What is the perfect combination of Legos for girls? Why not get the girl in your life a "Brickbeard's Bounty" set? Who does not like pirates? This set comes with the "Admiral's daughter" figure, and unlike the website write up, she does not need rescuing. She's in charge of the attack!
If she is into Star Wars, the "Tantive IV" set is great. Princess Leia and the 'droids accent the set. Lego also has tons more space-themed sets.
Of course, the line that got me started on looking at Legos again is the Castle line. Knights, horses, castles and evil magicians! It is perfect for Dungeons and Dragons game play. One set -- the "Drawbridge Defense" set -- comes with a princess. She commands the drawbridge, directing the golden knights and his followers on how to repel the skeletal mage who is bent on conquest!
It is such open-ended game play that makes Legos a great gift for a child. It appeals to gamers for the same reasons. Dungeons and Dragons adventures are intricate and at the same time, very open to improvisation. By using Legos as props to help illustrate the story, the Game Master and the players are acting out the adventure. The little figures are interchangeable so you can quickly change outfits for your Lego. This is a distinct advantage over using more traditional D&D miniatures for game play. I realize you lose some (OK, all) of the "realism" if you do not use D&D minis to represent the characters on the battle mat. For my taste, the Legos offer enough versatility to make up for any lack in realistic representations.
So, if you had not thought of Legos as a perfect gift for you daughter, granddaughter or niece, I hope you give it a closer look. And if you are a gamer, check out the amazing things Lego is up to. It just might surprise you.
For more about Legos for girls click here. To read the adventures of a girl gamer click here.

Video Games Review - Can Role Models Be Negative?

Video games encompass dealings with a user interface to cause ocular comment on a contrivance. The previous year has been an intricate one for the gaming industry with sales declining and shutting down of a number of gaming studios. Despite of this, the gaming industry has been able to cope up and make available exciting games.
We have had easy access to these games since the last 30 years. They are an exceptional mode of amusement. The modern games call for stable alertness of the players which has a positive as well as a negative bearing on the players. A question that concerns us today is the impact that these games have on children and the society at large. It allows children to experience realistic graphics besides enhancing computer literacy. Nevertheless, violent games make youth aggressive and have a negative bearing in the players' life. Children, who plays violent games for prolonged hours develop a tendency to argue with the teachers, parents and involve in fight with friends and siblings. Eventually, there is a decline in the achievements at school.
In addition to this, they give confidence to the players to spot with and fantasy their adored characters which are known as "first-person" video games for the reason that it allows the players to embark on decisions having some bearing on the actions of their loved character. Therefore, such games are over and above than mere games that prohibit players from being accountable and meaningful part of the society.
The fact that video games have a bearing on the society cannot be overlooked. In my opinion, I believe that violent video games should be banned. I have myself witnessed kids taking the role of their favorite character and indulging in a fight. This is a serious issue which needs an attention while making games before things go too far.
What do you think is the most important step to be taken before you start with any video games? Yes, you are right, the video games reviews plays an important role in making a person understand what sort of game it is. My blog, has everything you would search for. Come in and explore!

Buying Video Games - 4 Tips to Save Money When Shopping Online For Video Games

Shopping online for video games can be convenient and challenging at the same time. The convenience comes from the ease of internet access. The amount of information out there makes it confusing and challenging. Getting the best price when buying a video game can be quite a challenge without right tips and tricks up your sleeve.
Following are 4 simple tips to help you get most value for your money on your next online shopping trip.
Rent Before You Buy
Use a video game rental service that lets you buy the rented game optionally. This trick specially helps if you are not certain whether or not you like the game enough. This will give you a chance to try out the game without having to pay full price since most of the stores do not offer returns on already opened games.
Buy Used Games
Consider buying a used video game to save your money. Mostly you can find a used copy in perfect condition with little research. If you are looking to buy a recently released game, you might have to wait for some time before you can find a used copy of that game. It can still be worth it since you might be able to afford up to three used games for the price of two new ones.
Exchange Unused Games
If you have some video games lying around that you do not need anymore, you can exchange those for the games you want to buy. This can be done in two ways. One way is to use a web site that specifically offers exchanges. The other way is to sell your game at a web site that offers marketplace. Once you are able to sell it, you will have that extra money for your next purchase.
Compare Prices at Multiple Web Sites
Since the online shopping has become highly competitive, separate web sites could be offering quite different prices on same video game on a given day. To take advantage of this, use a price comparison web site. You can then see prices at multiple web sites at the same time without actually having to visit those sites individually.
These tips can help you save money when you go online to buy video games next time.

Segmentation in the Spanish Property Market

Reports on the death of the Spanish property market are premature. The market is starting to recover slowly after two years of falling prices and the patent lack of lending from the banks. As the banks are now loosening up their lending for anyone with some money to put aside as deposit especially on their own repossessed stock they are wanting to finance 100% where possible to get the liability off the books.
The recovery is not everywhere though and not all types of property are recovering and I certainly do not expect to see price rises any time soon. With that in mind, I will give you some examples where I do not see falls abating currently and then tell you what a prime property consists of. This segmentation of the market is a very important concept to understand because without it you treat all properties in the same way and that is not how to look at the Spanish Property market, it is not a monolithic whole.
For a property to be considered "prime" it must have an intrinsic value which is easily measured. "Sub-prime" property does not have this same intrinsic value. Sub-prime is a lot more prone to sentiment and demand within the market. There is little or no demand for "sub-prime" property outside the big cities and their periphery. A good example would be a series of properties built on an estate where everything is similar inland and away from the beach with few facilities around and where everyone must use the car for all journeys. (It is impossible to segment the properties on this estate, they all fall into the same category of sub-prime). It is likely that transport costs will rise bit by bit over the next few decades and these properties will become less and less desirable as a result. The opposite is also true of course meaning that prime properties with little distance to travel in conurbations and with good facilities become more desirable. This will mean that their prices rise while the sub-prime group drops increasing the disparity in prices between prime and sub-prime.
Spanish coastal properties will be another sector to suffer if they do not have rapid access to the coast. The description "coastal property" has been abused so that it includes properties even a couple of miles or more from said coast and therefore it is easier to make a segmentation in this area. My own opinion is that if you cannot walk comfortably to the beach with all your things for a day by the sea in hand then you do not have what can be termed a coastal property. First line property with uninterrupted views of the sea and even second and third with good sea views will hold their value quite well because evidently they have a prime position and there is a limited supply. Anything further back can no longer be considered prime and the segmentation is evident in the disparate prices.
What type of property will hold its value? Large city centres are good bets as people move ever more so into cities and large towns to look for work. These areas keep their value as the demand curve outstrips the supply curve in almost every case. A city centre flat is a city centre flat and nothing can create more space in those cities meaning there are limited numbers available because of planning restrictions and replacement new for old. The centre of a city therefore is a segment. Spanish cities have no more land available for development in the centre of so there is very little possibility of supply outstripping demand if people continue moving to the city,something that continues to be the trend for the whole of Spain.
Other properties that will hold their values are those that have a little something special, spectacular views, fantastic and timeless design, built in and unobtrusive security features, shopping and leisure facilities and more. When you wrap all of these things up into a whole in just one property then you have the perfect property investment which is bound long term to hold its value and you also get quite a nice place to live too. It is the perfect segment.
Graham Hunt is an estate agent in the Valencia region of Spain with a decade of experience in the field and a two decade history in Spain. Some examples of perfect property investments can be found on our website of course, Valencia Property, but the same applies all over Spain in the prime areas.
Go to the websites and as they are considered to be filled with high quality, great value properties and more importantly excellent information about the process of buying and selling property in Spain and lifestyle issues in Spain. If you require more information then send an email by clicking on the top of the first website in this resource box.

Housing Market - Taking Stock For 2010

If you bought a house at the beginning of this year then you're probably quietly pleased with yourself - house prices have unpredictably gone up and you probably would have secured a good mortgage rate. If you've sold your house, then no doubt, you're glad that you've sold and have moved on. If you're sold and have bought another property then at least both sale and purchase price have reduced. If you've sold and not bought then you've probably lost money - for the time being.
Sometimes you just have to sell your house be it through repossession, divorce or a job loss. It's very tough to lose your home for financial and personal reasons. Making a house your home, whether you ow it or rent it, is key to settling in a new place. But still losing money on your house is grim because it's usually thousands.
The FTSE is on the up but the economy as a whole is still dire. Economists are still fearing a double dip. Confidence has been rightly shaken by the credit crunch and before any boom and spending sprees there's going to be cuts in the public sector to curb the country's massive debt. In the private sector companies are tightening their belts to make savings and so more redundancies are likely and mid-sized to smaller companies are finding it difficult to find finance from banks. As a general rule people are wary and are keeping back reserves for a rainy day - that's already here but could be here for some time. With less spending and investment there isn't much room for growth.
So what does this mean for housing? People need to move and so there will be always be a slow market of sorts. But house prices are not expected to continue to increase. The early part of the year will probably see some seasonal price rises or could stay flat if supply increases to meet demand. But come the general election and the second half of the year, house prices are likely to fall again. And following on from there, a new government will bring uncertainty and change which will in turn leave people wanting to stay put rather than up sticks.
If you are thinking of selling do it as soon as you can after the New Year. Once you sell then either buy or, if your situation and nerve allows, consider renting until some months after the General Election. If house prices do indeed fall you will be a cash buyer, with no chain and be in a good position to make a low offer. It's a risk of course and it's always more comfortable to simply settle into your new house without thinking you'll need to be moving again. But as with everything you'll need to weigh up the pros and cons at the time - by then the situation may be clearer.
In the latter half of the year, if you can get both the financial backing and a low enough purchase price, it may be a good time to consider buying a property to rent out - providing you see it as a long term investment as there will be lots of bumps a long the way.
Good wishes for a happy 2010.
Debbie Morgan writes for Wheres My Property, the site that finds property for sale and Renovate Alerts, the site that finds property to renovate.

Cash Management For the Multifamily Property

Multilevel scrutiny assures successful cash management. The key areas are:
  1. Capital project spending,
  2. Day to day variable expenses,
  3. Payroll expense,
  4. Petty cash,
  5. Fixed costs,
  6. Integrity of cash accounts, and
  7. Maintenance inventory needs
Capital projects is reasonably simple. The operator must have firm fixed detailed budgets for these activities. To assure value, a bid process that solicit responses from 2 or 3 proven firms is a key component. Next, the operator's in house staff often can supplement the activity to significantly reduce costs. In short, the least expensive approach is normally a blended in house operations contribution to the contractor. For example, in house painting resources will normally improve bid prices by 50% or more over the contractor sources. For large projects, the Company should augment with additional temporary salaried support to gain the potential efficiencies. Next, before and after photos of all work combined with manager and maintenance technician inspection of all completed work should be a requirement for final payment.
Day to day variable expenses should be driven from an operating budget produced by a cooperative effort of property staff, the management company and the investors. Supporting this, to the extent possible property managers should not have the authority to commit contracts without either investor or manager supervision. Additionally, all management should be compensated to some degree based on the spread between revenue and expenses. This step goes far to assure that the best value is achieved. Overlaying this, the management company should develop expected costs for each type effort protecting the Company from gouging by contractors. Finally, contracts for ongoing service should require multiple bids and should require regular rebidding. Finally, management should be working to standardize approaches to reduce ongoing costs such as different materials that reduce ongoing costs, etc. to steadily manage costs down and over time dampen expense growth. Thus cost control is a first step toward this part of cash management. The second part is requiring checks to be written outside of the property and requiring management oversight as a sanity check on costs.
Payroll expense requires a straight forward review of time sheets by multiple managers combined with a review of the taxes calculated. Following up this, checks should be audited by the internal staff from time to time after cancellation to assure that checks actually were written and cashed as expected by the intended authorities.
Petty cash should require collection of receipts for use and submission of receipts before replenishing the funds. This combined with budgetary limits on these funds will generally prevent abuse.
Fixed costs are simpler in that they are to given sources such as local taxes, insurance, debt service. Because of this there is little ability to pilfer funds from this area. However, assuring these items are paid regularly or appropriately accrued is a critical step managing the multifamily investment.
Integrity of cash accounts is one of the largest challenges. The surest method to protect accounts from fraud is to institute several key items:
  • Require multiple signatures on checks,
  • Require the accountant and other responsible financial persons to take regular vacations that will require others to assume these responsibilities,
  • Have an outside accountant check the accounts and assure that the numbers are making sense at all levels,
  • Audit accounts randomly but on a regular basis
The last area to discuss is maintenance supply accounts. While not directly a cash account, the use of an inventory system is a critical step to assure that supplies are being used appropriately on the apartment complex and that this can't become a point of abuse around ongoing expenses.
Finally, the Company should combine all of these efforts with accounting support from a resources that can protect the business from other sources of financial abuse. Fraud management requires a watchful eye for groups attempting to bill the company for services not received and for other banking weaknesses that may result in cash losses.
Blake Ratcliff's company offers a full range of due diligence support.
Due diligence skills include:
1) markets,
2) submarkets,
3) comparables,
4) property condition,
5) improvement and operations modifications, and
6) property inspection.
1) report support,
2) appraisals,
3) investment structure,
4) business planning,
5) financial modeling,
6) debt and equity financing,
7) accounting and financing planning, and
9) management / systems planning and oversite. - our blog focusing on due diligence and investment issues.

Where is Real Estate Going?

As a Baby Boomer, I remember and experienced the cycles of the economy and the affects upon the real estate market. When I started real estate in the early 1980's, the economy was just getting through a recession. In December 1982, unemployment was at a high of 10.8%. By 1985, it fell to 7.3% with little movement in prices. Sometime in this period from 1984 through 1986, real estate started to boom, with prices souring. As a real estate agent during this time, I remember the phones in my office were ringing off the hook, with people calling to buy a house. There was no shortage of buyers in that market and it was a true "sellers' market." People were paying close to full asking price because they believed that the market was going up and that they could sell it right away at a profit.
The economy was recovering and unemployment in these years was good. Interest rates, although high in this period, about 12% (down from a high of 18% in 1982) for a fixed 30 year term mortgage was easy to get, as compared to today's strict standards. Then, in 1987, there was the stock market crash. October 19, 1987 is referred to as Black Monday. This was a world stock market crash and the DOW dived by 508 points in one day. Everybody believed that the market was bad, so people started to be concerned about real estate as an investment. Prices started to level and eventually fell. This slow period for real estate lasted from about the early 1990's and continued through the late 1990's. There was a Saving and Loan crises during this period where many small savings banks had either closed or were merged with more solvent banks.
During the period in the mid 1980's, the market for coops and condos also started to surge, as most apartment building owners had converted their rental units to coops. At some point in the middle 1990's, there was a glut of cooperative units and the price of units sold to consumers had plummeted to prices far less than what they paid. By early 2000, the market was again steady with the price of houses starting again to climb, reaching a high peaking point by 2007. We all now know what happened since then. The market burst like a bubble: banks were giving mortgages to just about anybody who could breath, with no income or credit check loans. And the banks did this because they believed the market was going up forever.
So here we are again and back to the first question: Where is real estate going? The answer to this in part depends on what the average American believes, because we are all smart. We make our decisions based on what knowledge we have and our financial condition. If we think the market is going up, we will all go out and buy a house right now. If we think the market is going down, we will hold off because we don't want to lose. However, if we don't have a job and we lost our house because of the past mistakes of the banking industry which we call the sub-prime mess, we are stuck. So, therefore, demand will be low and prices won't go anywhere for the time being.
Judging from past history of economic cycles, I would say that the unemployment rate is one of the major predictors as to where the economy is going, and hence, the real estate market. When the current unemployment rate, about 10+% starts going down, it should follow that people will again be able to afford to purchase a house, and this demand will cause prices to rise again.
By Maury Jazzetti
Maury Jazzetti has been in the real estate business for over twenty years and has bought, sold and managed various real properties. He is is also a licensed real estate broker in the State of New York. He has created a community real estate website which includes For Sale By Owner and For Sale By Broker sections. Homeowners may post their property for sale for free. There are no posting, photo, or any other fees to advertise properties. Visit

5 Basics For Commercial Real Estate Success

It's amazing how quickly we forget the basics in favor of the "flavor of the month". The following are the 5 basics (not in any particular order) for commercial real estate success:
1. Show Up
How many of you show up everyday at the same time ready to work? This one is so simple. Show up dressed professionally, with your business hat on, ready to work. That's it. Of course you will have to dive in and actually take action steps in order to accomplish something. So many of my ultra successful clients tell me this is the number one secret to their success; and, it's so easy!
2. Return ALL Calls
It is amazing to me how many people in our business don't return all of their calls. Some pick and choose the ones they deem important, some ignore all calls figuring if it's important the caller will try again, some return calls only when time permits.
But really, how rude! How can one possibly know which calls could have the potential to lead to business? And not only should every call be returned but they should be returned with grace and a smile. I remember when I was in college taking a business class and we learned about the habits and characteristics of the typical CEO. When you're way up top apparently you got there because among other things you make sure every call gets returned; either personally by the CEO or his/her assistant.
Let's take a page from the CEO's book - just return all of your calls - please!
3. Take Massive Action
Tell the truth, do you just sit at your desk and wait for the phone to ring? What would happen to your business if you actually took action? How about massive action? Wouldn't you make much better use of your time if you spent 60 minutes taking massive action versus using that same 60 minutes checking your email all day long? The following tip will be worth ten times the price of this newsletter. Each morning write a list of action steps you need to complete before days end. Then, dive in and start checking them off one-by-one. This will only work if you allow yourself a good chunk of uninterrupted time.
4. Implementation Supercedes Perfection
As we get more experienced we seem to get stopped in our tracks more often. The longer we are in the business - the more perfect we feel we should be. What happens then is we almost get afraid to take action steps if they are even one-fraction away form perfection. When we are a beginner, we don't know what perfect is yet so it's easier to just jump in and do it.
Get back into the habit of "just doing it". This doesn't mean things shouldn't be well thought out and professional. It just means good enough often times is good enough. Just look at my newsletters - they are far from perfect. But it's more important for me to get the darn thing out the door in a timely fashion then it is for me to make it absolutely perfect. Plus, you'd be amazed how much business this newsletter brings me!
Bottom line: IMPLEMENT above all else.
5. Continue Sharpening Your Skills
Some of us get so darn complacent; we actually begin to believe we know it all. What a mistake. Being a life-long learner has actually been proven to extend you life. Have a list of every skill you'd like to learn or improve, read everything you can get your hands on that will teach you something, be open-minded and aware of the fact that you don't know what you don't know. You may find some new ways of doing things or strategies for accomplishing more in less time. How about finding out what the guys at the top know and do.
Adopt (or continue) a path of self-development. You will have a few surprises in store as a result!
These 5 basics, if regularly practiced will greatly increase your bottom line. You will put more money in the bank and fewer hours in your work-week - I PROMISE!
Cindy Saxman Spivack, CEO and President of Cindy Spivack International, Inc., teaches Commercial Real Estate Professionals 7 Key Strategies for building an enormously successful commercial real estate business in 12 months or less. For free how-to-articles and powerful lead generation and time management tips go to Cindy's websites at
and or email her at

The Real Estate Challenge

Have you ever wondered why people would have an interest in government foreclosures, tax deed properties, or real estate in general? When we were younger our parents always told us if we worked hard and did things right we would be able to buy a piece of property. By having a home we would then be allowed to have and raise a family, own and eat a piece of the "American Pie". By doing this at the end of thirty years our reward would be or should be a clear title with a home that is mortgage free.
How does that fit into the picture of the times of today? Well, people still look for the piece of the "American Pie", but, not so much in the way our parents did in the past. For one thing, we take more risks; we do try and put a square peg in a round hole because we can think out of the box. Real estate does not always mean build brand new or have a home on it to purchase it. Government foreclosures were not so readily available in the past, as they are now. Financing was limited and options were not so openly discussed.
In this market, we are willing to buy and sell property and own more than one piece of property. Especially government foreclosures since we know we can turn them around after some improvement s and resell them normally for a profit. The fact that some of the properties we had looked at on American Land Grab had tax deeds helped because then you knew they had clear titles. People today are also willing to look outside their own neighborhood and even their own state for real estate.
Everyone wants a vacation home and some people have earned it by being a property investor and buying and selling until they made enough to go after the piece they really wanted in the location they considered desirable for retirement for their living style. We are all different and certainly do things differently than our parents did thirty years ago. The only difference of today is we have technology on our side and they did not so our parents worked it differently that is all.

Retired and Want to Move Home But Thought You Couldn't Afford it? Think Again!

You may well have been dreaming of moving home lately, perhaps to be closer to your family so that you can see your grandchildren more often or take care of them whilst your children are working, or because you quite simply want to move to a different area or a bigger house. But are your dreams being held back because you think you cannot afford to move?
The cost of moving is indeed high and a 2008 survey by reported that the average cost of moving home in the UK has more than tripled since 1998 to almost £9,500.
Legal, estate agents' and surveyors' fees; Stamp Duty; searches; removal and storage costs; mail re-direction and any repairs needed to the house you are buying or selling all add up to a considerable amount.
And what if the property you want to move to is of higher value than the one you live in now? Finding the cash to bridge the gap between your current property value and the higher value of the new one is also going to be an issue.
However, there is a solution. Providing you are over 55, you could raise cash to cover your moving expenses and any deficit between current and new properties by releasing equity from your home. By taking out an equity release plan you can use the value that you've built up in your home over the years to obtain a tax-free cash sum which will allow you to make the home move that you've been dreaming of. Whether you are releasing cash to cover moving expenses or to allow you to upsize, in both cases you may opt for interest only or even no monthly repayments and the cash release is not relative to income or credit status.
It is worth pointing out that releasing cash from your home is safe, providing you take independent advice from a specialist equity release adviser who is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and who only recommends products endorsed by Safe Home Income Plans (SHIP), the equity release consumer protection body. Why SHIP? Because their plans guarantee staying in your home for life; never owing more than the value of your home and leaving no debt to your family.
If you have been dreaming of moving home, for whatever reason, and thought you couldn't afford it, it's time to think again. Equity Release could well be the solution that gets you that new dream home nearer to your family, the seaside, the countryside or wherever you want to be!
Geoff Charles is the Managing Director of Bower Retirement Services, an Essex-based FSA regulated independent financial advice company that offers specialist advice on equity release throughout the south of England and free on-going, lifelong customer support. For more information visit, telephone 01277 262724 or e-mail

Current Latest Real Estate Trend in Gurgaon

The current/latest real estate trend in Gurgaon Property is very much in favour of buyers and sellers alike. This is because the market is again vibrant with talks and deals after a short slump pursuant to the general recession across the world. The property market is back in the saddle and the real estate scenario is agog with activities pertaining to transactions. In the renewed verve and vitality of the market, new institutional players have entered the market and they along with the existing players have opened up a virtual floodgate of marketing blitzkrieg to grab a better share of the pie. New projects of several infrastructure development and housing companies are coming up at multiple locations for each of them. The main players in the field are: Ansal, Central Park, DLF, Emmar MGF, Essel, Jaipuria, Luxury, Orchid, Parsvnath, Raheja, Sahara, Sun City, Unitech, JMD, Valka and Vipul. Reliable industry sources concur that these construction majors are in the process of building approximately 500 billion square feet of accommodation for both commercial and residential purposes.
The current real estate trend in Gurgaon shows that there will be a minimum 10% to 15% of appreciation in property value in the current fiscal. It should naturally evoke excitement among all concerned, in the wake of a crunching slump that left the industry in a jittery. The market witnesses a renewed interest in the multifarious property profiles such as residential properties, commercial properties, industrial properties, shop spaces, office spaces, corporate offices, villas, house plots, farm lands, condominiums, hotels, builder floors, rented properties, resorts, apartments, luxury flats, economy flats and the like.
As part of the current/latest trends of real estate property in Gurgaon, Major corporate houses have occupied many of the custom-built and finely constructed malls and condominiums of DLF, Unitech, Vipul, Eros, JMD, Raheja, etc. Major corporate houses such as Samsung, IBM, Nestle, American Express, Citi Bank, American Bank, LG, GE, Perfetti, Pepsi, Coke, Flexotronics, Honda, Maruti, Xerox, etc. have found spaces in edifices. Prime properties and spaces are available on lease at major locations of the city. Structures with world-class amenities like ample car-parking, broadband internet, 24x7 power backup, water supply and security services are available at various locations. Of late, there has been an increase in rental rates for commercial, properties and luxury apartments. This is due to the newly acquired vibrancy in the corporate and commercial sectors in the region. On the construction front, it is estimated that around 12000 luxury residential units will be ready for occupancy in Gurgaon in the next couple of years. This is due to the umpteen mega projects launched by many corporate moguls in the region.
Joseph Smith have 3+ years of experience in content writing of Gurgaon property rates, Gurgaon Properties.

The Unknown Facts About Real Estate in India

There are many unknown facts about India Properties.In a country where there is traditionally the predominance of the agricultural sector, that sector continues to be greatest source of employment generation. It may be an unknown fact that the Indian real estate sector is the second greatest employment provider in the country. This sector significantly contributes to the national income and Gross Domestic Product and it is expected there will be an average 10% increase annually in these aspects. The recent slump in the property market in India consequent upon the global economic downturn is reported to be evening out and the industry is projected to register considerable growth in the coming years. The observation of the international property consultants Jones Lang LaSalle is significant in this context: "economic recovery during CY 2010-11 is likely to reinvigorate the interest of foreign investors in India's real estate market. We expect enhanced capital inflow in the real estate sector in the medium-to-long-term". Again, Jones Lang LaSalle says, the faster economic growth of the nations like India, China, Brazil and Russia will pay the way for faster recovery of the real estate sector in those countries when compared with countries like the US and the UK.
Yet another unknown fact about Indian real estate is underlying in Jones Lang LaSalle's report which says India property market will be in an upswing from the last quarter of 2009 and over the next 5 years and the industry will attract up to US $ 12.11 billion investment. Again, an estimably 150 square feet of office space will be acquired by the IT and ITES sector alone by then year 2010. Another great procurer of office spaces will be the organized retail marketing sector. It is estimated that this sector will be in need of an additional 220 million square feet space by 2010. This growth momentum will sweep across all tier-1 and tier-2 cities. Further, a joint study conducted by Jones Lang LaSalle Meghraj and Cushman & Wakefield India in association with Shopping Centres Association of India, christened Mall Realities India 2010, says that during 2009 and 2010, a projected 100 malls of over 30 million square feet will be opened in India.
It would be an unknown fact about in real estate India, that in the construction industry Indian companies are making double the profitability for their projects when compared with their US counterparts. Indian construction firms are making on an average 18 percent profit while the US companies are making only half of that. Another unknown fact is that foreign institutional investors (FIIs) are very much confident in investing in Indian real estate and the there has been a whopping 400 percent increase in the past six months.
Joseph Smith have 3+ years of experience in content writing of real estate property india, Property India, Real Estate India.

New Government Initiatives to Boost Real Estate Sector in India

At the Government level many new policy initiatives have been taken recently to boost the real estate sector in India. These policy decisions will lend a stimulus and impetus to the industry. It is beyond doubt that the new initiatives will unlock the potential of the sector. Also, along with the stimulus package announced by the Government, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a definitive step whereby banks are allowed to devise new schemes beneficial to the property sector.
As part of the Government initiatives to boost real estate boom sector India, RBI has declared concessional schemes for the real estate sector. Such initiatives include:
• Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 (ULCRA) repealed by increasingly larger number of states.
• In case of integrated townships, the minimum area to be developed has been brought down to 25 acres from 100 acres.
• 51 per cent FDI allowed in single-brand retail outlets and 100 per cent in cash-and-carry through the automatic route.
• Full repatriation of original investment after three years.
• Minimum capital investment for wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures stands at US$ 10 million and US$ 5 million, respectively.
• 100 per cent FDI allowed in realty projects through the automatic route.
Further, in its endeavour to initiate new policies to boost the real estate sector in India, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, has taken steps to reduce the time taken to develop special economic zones (SEZs) by simplifying the procedures to get the tax-tree industrial enclaves notified. Now developers can easily get their land classified as an SEZ at the outset itself by producing title deeds to prove their ownership. Again, the Government has announced several concessions in the Budget 2008-2009.
New Government initiatives to boost sector of Real Estate India include granting a tax holiday on profits from initiates in the financial year 2007-2008. In order to enjoy this benefit, the housing projects should be of the affordable housing unit type of 1000 to 1500 square feet. Another condition is that such projects should be completed by March 1, 2012. Further, the Finance Ministry has allocated US$ 207 million to grant 1% interest subsidy on home loans up to US$ 20, 691. In order to avail this benefit, the cost of the home should not be above US$41, 382. It is believed that these initiatives will be add further impetus to the real estate sector in the country.
Joseph Smith have 3+ years of experience in content writing of Property in India, India properties.

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