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Windows Hosting Reseller Makes You Rich Easily

When you are going to building your site, after you have domain, you will start with a hosting provider too. Before you choose a hosting company, you should know their main types. You also should know what functions you will need. That is the fact if you want get the right provider and the right services that you need.

For the chosen the right services provider, that is depends on the programming languages which hosting can support. For example, if you use PHP, Perl or MySQL on the site, you will prefer a Linux server. But if you are going to use ASP, you had better choose Windows such as windows 2003 hosting, windows 2008 hosting and windows Share Point hosting. Then, Windows-hosting is good if you use Windows oriented technologies such as Visual Basic.

Have two reason people choose the windows hosting plan. First, the people who understand nothing in hosting, and they think that windows platform will be easier for their understanding. Second, the people who knows about hosting and they really need Windows hosting exactly.

That we know, every web host services have advantages on their hosting services. And if we used a hosting on windows server, The Advantages that we got is:

1. Windows platform is the choice if used for a company and need a big database

2. Windows hosting used NET technologies, such as ASP hosting that accessible on the Windows platform. If you have a site created on Microsoft. NET technologies, you will have to select a hosting on a Windows server.

3. If you use the popular web design program, Microsoft Front Page, having a Windows Hosting platform will make your life a lot easier. You want not have to worry about making sure your server supports extensions, as you would with a Unix platform

4. If your website needs to collect its data from an Access database, a Windows server will be able to integrate this database seamlessly. While there are many database options, such as MySQL, many people prefer to use Access. A Windows server will be able to make integration much easier.

5. Windows hosting have Microsoft Share Point tools. That can be used to share your documents and web services on an intranet.

Windows hosting is more expensive than the other, because of expenditures on Microsoft licenses, but you do not worry because the windows hosting still give the best for hosting service.

Mellanie K served as web hosting professional on one of the leading ASP.NET hosting company, and also supported Reseller ASP Hosting


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