If you have a certain level of expertise in a certain area you should definitely check out the website. It's an amazing platform founded by expert author Seth Godin who is best known for his books Purple Cow and Permission Marketing.
This cleaver yet very effective internet platform makes it extremely simple for anyone to set up a single page on any particular topic that they have a certain level of expertise in. But best of all, Squidoo is free!
According to Wikipedia.com "Squidoo is a network of user-generated lenses --single pages that highlights one person's point of view, recommendations, or expertise. Lenses can be about anything, such as ideas, people or places, hobbies and sports, pets or products, and philosophy. Lenses aren't primarily intended to hold content; more emphasis is placed on recommending and then pointing to content on the web. Annotation and organization and personalization delivers context and meaning".
You the user, can create your own lense. Those who create lenses are referred to as lensmasters. A lensmaster provides informative information for those searching for specific information on that lensmasters topic of expertise. The lensmaster can provide links, pictures, feeds etc. to help visitors searching for information. This expert power of the lensmaster means they have the power to promote their own websites, products or personal agendas. You the lensmaster can direct people to personal blogs, Flickr photo pages, eBay product pages or any other website that you want your readers to know about. For a website business owner this can mean a ton of traffic to your website. But not only do you get free traffic, but you also get paid!
According to Alexa.com, Squidoo is now in the top 500 of all sites worldwide! This is huge for anyone linking from their Squidoo page to their website. A site that gets traffic like this is definitely getting Google's vote. Linking to your own website from Squidoo is a definite must-do!
Squidoo is not only an outlet for sharing your creative expertise, but it's also an excellent revenue generator. That's right! You can make some easy cash.
Basically each lens has text ads and links to referral sites that sell products. If you are an affiliate you can link to your affiliate website as well as getting paid for the text ads showing up on your page. But best of all Squidoo is a company built on the strong belief that helping others is most important in building a strong business. That's very evident in Squidoo's 40%+ growth since the early spring of 2007.
Squidoo donates their first 5% to charity. Then 50% goes to the lensmasters and 45% goes to Squidoo. Squidoo is a powerful tool that can generate a lot of revenue and exposure for your business while also donating to worthy causes. You simply can't lose by taking the time to create your own lens. Share your expertise, earn some money and make the world that much better. You really can't go wrong with this effective tool.
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