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Cloud Gaming and Video Games

Dedicated gaming consoles and actual physical media are dying out, to be replaced by online delivery of games, and gaming platforms mixed in with other multimedia devices. Online games will be stored in "The Cloud" and delivered through the internet.
The Cloud is already important to a lot of people. Accessing email online via a browsed and using Google Docs for example involves accessing documents that are stored in the cloud. It's where the files that are viewed, edited and saved online are stored and means they can be accessed anywhere in the world and do not fill up hard drives on personal computers.
Within the gaming industry itself, the cloud and cloud gaming could cause the biggest change to gaming since the first gaming consoles were released in the 1970's. All games will be played online and the software and files themselves will be stored on hubs of servers across the country. The "Cloud Gaming" generation won't own actual physical media such as video game disks, and they won't store them on a hard drive. Instead they'll connect to central servers, on which the games are stored and actually processed. While lag is a common cause for concern, developers claim to have reduced lag to less than one millisecond.
Here is a diagram of how Cloud Gaming is likely to work:
Console Gaming
Gamer > Controller > Console > TV
Cloud Gaming
Gamer > Controller > 3rd Party Box / PC > Internet > 3rd Party Servers > Internet > 3rd Party Box > PC
For the household gamer this will mean several big changes. With all software and processing hardware stored remotely and used online there will be no software, disks or consoles to purchase which means high street gaming brands will face brand new challenges to stay in business. The gamer will have access to a greater quantity and variety of games online in return for a monthly or annual subscription, which will also give smaller independent games developers the chance to sell more games to a greater base of people.
Cloud Gaming is reporting on here by Game Hub, a leading resource for video game news, providing news, reviews, previes and features about all aspects of the video game industry.


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