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What Comprises a Board Chess Set?

Known as the 'game of kings', chess is thought to have originated some 5,000 years ago in India. This fascinating game can be enjoyed by anyone. It can be played on a professional level or just for the fun of it. Today the game of chess is even taught in many schools. If you haven't heard about chess, let's look at what a Board Chess Set is all about.
The game is played on a black and white checkered board. Only two people can play ' one versus the other. There are a total of 32 pieces in a board chess set ' 16 black pieces for one player, and 16 white pieces for the opponent. Each player has one queen, one king, 2 knights, 2 rooks and 8 pawns.
Each piece has a different capability and a different value. The objective of the game is put your opponent's King in a position known as 'checkmate'. This means the King is trapped and cannot move anywhere without being captured. Therefore, while playing the game, each player will be aware of keeping the King protected.
In order to get your opponent's King in a vulnerable position you will need to eliminate as many of your opponent's other pieces in your quest to attack the King. The fewer pieces your opponent has, the less protection for the King. Don't forget that your opponent is trying to do the same thing, so you have to defend whilst attacking.
Each chess piece is permitted to move a specific way. A rook may move through as many empty squares as possible, but it may only move in one column at a time ' up, back, left or right. A bishop may also move through as many empty squares as possible, but it may only move diagonally.
The queen is the most powerful when it comes to moving. She may move through as many empty squares as she likes, and in any direction. The king may only move one square at a time in any direction. A knight moves in an 'L' shape, i. E. Two squares in any row, plus one square to the left or right. The least mobile piece is the pawn ' it may only move one square forward in any move. The only exception is at the start of a game when the pawn may move two squares forward.
The art of being a good chess player simply comes down to logic. You have to plan your moves and anticipate what your opponent is likely to do in every situation. Children as young as 5 can play brilliant chess and may beat many an adult. Like any game, or sport, the more you play the better you will become.
Chess is so popular because it is easy to understand. Even someone who has never played can pick up the basics after learning how each piece moves. In a short time, the novice will start devising his or her own strategies. This is what makes chess so fascinating. No two games are ever the same. Each player has their own individual way of playing.
Board Chess has high quality chess sets for sale. Also available are backgammon sets, mah-jong, domino's and more.Our products are made by talented artisans in various countries and are constructed of fine materials with superb detailing. Ideal for collectors or gaming enthusiasts, Board Chess products make wonderful gifts and will surpass your expectations.


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