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Green Franchises Create Green Jobs

Even with all of the hype and press that the green sector has received, green jobs still only account for approximately 0.49% of all of the employment in the United States. The bright side is that the green job sector is outpacing the economy in terms of growth. In the period between 1998 and 2007, while the economy grew 3.7%, the green job market grew 9.1 percent.
Recent research has shown that these jobs are typically well-paying and durable when compared to other industries. Levels of job satisfaction are also extremely high, as people are realizing that they're contributing to the bigger picture of saving the environment. With all of these factors in play, we need to focus on creating more green jobs!
An analysis of the green industry shows that green jobs take many forms. In most cases, professionals are simply adapting their existing skills to a new industry (engineers, electricians, and mechanics). In some instances, individuals are making complete career changes that require from-the-ground-up-training (many of these are in the energy consulting space).
In both scenarios, the green franchise model functions as a wonderful incubator for new people entering the industry. Any well-formed green franchise will not only include a training program for the individual that is buying into the franchise, but a program for the employees that the person subsequently hires. These programs (often online, and typically ongoing), are the ideal platform for creating the next wave of green jobs.
My challenge to everyone who is considering a career change into the green industry is to get involved in a green franchise or business opportunity. Take advantage of the built-in processes, support systems, and training that comes along with a green franchise, and be a job creator, not an employee!
With the training programs and support systems included in many green franchises, we can work together to create the new green-collar economy.
About the Author
Terry Judge is President and CEO of, a national provider of commercial green energy auditing and consulting services. Under Terry's direction, has delivered energy consulting engagements that have saved customers millions of dollars by becoming more green. For more information visit the website.


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