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Why Would You Even Consider Network Marketing?

What in the world ever made you to even consider network marketing as a home based business? Were you not aware that the failure rate in this industry is around 95%? That means only about 5% of those that get involved are considered successful?
The odds are certainly not in your favor. But MLM certainly gives you the opportunity to build a successful business without a large capital investment. In fact, this business model is very inviting to the average person who does not have a large amount of money to start a business.
I'm sure that is one of the reasons so many people get involved with network marketing. For the simple reason it does not require a big outlay of money to get started. Compared with other types of home based businesses, the MLM industry provides an opportunity that the average person can afford.
Even though most people who get involved with an MLM company know that the failure rate is high, they still want to give it a try. And this is where most people fail. Because they only view it as giving it a "try". They have already set themselves up for failure. Giving it a try does not give you the impression of taking a business very seriously.
Yet people continue to join the network marketing industry with the hope that they will not be among the 95%. Again, only a hope rather than taking it serious enough to turn that hope into reality.
So why even consider network marketing? Surely it has to be more than the cost to get started that draws most people to this business model. Maybe we see the potential that this industry offers. It seems that the possibility to make a very good living is a reality.
But if this is true, then why such a high failure rate? The answer to this can be quite simple. Most of those 95% who fail do not take their business serious enough. Don't forget, most get involved and think they will at least give it a "try". After all, it only cost $39.95!!
I find it amusing that so many people think they will give networking a try. They have no business background yet think that a simple start up fee of $39.95 will put them on easy street. The truth is it can be the path to get started on, but to get on the road takes a lot more than a "try" and $39.95.
Be sure you are willing to be committed to your business if you are considering network marketing. But if you think that you can build a successful business without work, you are going to be very disappointed. If you are not serious, I'll simply ask you why would you even consider network marketing?
Scott Cameron has been an educator and entrepreneur for over 25 years. He has owned and operated a number of traditional "store front" businesses but has recognized the value of the Internet and the benefits of operating an online home based business opportunity in the network marketing industry. If you are considering this industry try to find a good team to work with. Visit


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