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How to Prove Your Persuasion Skills to an Interviewer

If you've been on a job interview lately, you know that interviewers can ask the strangest questions about your experiences. This is their way of trying to feel out the kind of worker you are. One of the things they want to see are persuasion skills. Read on to find out what sort of personal experiences you have ready to demonstrate your persuasion skills.
First, think of a time when you've discussed a topic with someone and were able to get them to see your point of view. Try not to use examples of very controversial topics like politics or religion, and instead go for examples relating to work or similar situations. Helping someone to see your point of view doesn't necessarily mean they agreed with you, so it's good to have an example where the two of you still disagreed, but still managed to come to an understanding. Do keep an example where the person did come around to your point of view handy for the next type of question, though.
Even better than helping someone understand your point of view, an example of a time when you actually changed someone's mind about an issue is a good thing to have ready. Again, avoid politics and religion in favor of more innocuous work examples. Be sure not to come off as though you were being stubborn -- talk about how you were able to show the other person the validity of your point. Don't make a big deal out of the change unless the issue really was that significant.
Finally, have an example of a time when you were able to convince someone to go along with a plan they weren't originally in favor of. Be sure your reasons for doing this were sound, and keep in mind that the interviewer will probably want to know how your plan worked out in the end. Emphasize how you were able to talk the person into the new plan without creating conflict between you or or causing disharmony in the group.
Everyone has persuaded their friends, family, and co-workers to change their minds at one time or another. The most important thing is to have such experiences fresh in your mind at the time of the interview and to be able to answer questions about the experiences easily, while emphasizing the persuasion skills the interviewer wants to hear about. With a little practice, your interview should go smoothly.
Ruby has a wide variety of interests. She just recently created her newest website,, that's all about Whole House Air Purifiers.


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