Trend Articles Collection


Methods of Getting Good Traffic

In order for your website to grow you have to establish more than one traffic method. Two very good methods are articles and CPV. If you want to have a strong target market of followers visiting your website, one of the best ways to do it is by writing articles. In a recent workshop I did, I mentioned getting at least 10 articles written. Now don't only write 10 articles you'll need to write more but 10 is a good number to start with.

Not only should you focus on your traffic numbers but you also have to ensure that the people on your site are making the most of what you have to offer. You also need to ensure you're getting the most out of your visitors and the only way to do this is to increase your conversion rate. There are multiple things you can do to make this happen. One is to make some modifications to your existing web pages in order to increase the conversion. You need to also realise that different traffic methods give you different results.

In terms of getting traffic with articles, you get better quality traffic from your articles. Why? Well, because people are actually seeking out the information in your article. They are also very keen on reading it all the way through. Basically, they see you as an expert and therefore you're seen as the more qualified person - in their eyes, who is knowledgeable about your market. But the one thing you must absolutely do is write more than 10 articles. You're going to have to do them on a consistent basis.

If you're on a budget you won't need to worry about money. If you can start writing one article a week, that will help you get up and running in no time. You'll only need to take the time out to do it. So you've got to invest some time into it to make it happen. Basically, if you can get into a habit of writing articles specifically around your niche, getting them circulated around the net with links back to your squeeze page, that's going to help you get things going a lot faster. The more that you put out there, the more money you can make. But, not only that... The more traffic you can get to your website and the more pass-around value the better. So don't just stop at ten articles. You want to create more. If you continually create articles and distribute them on the net, there is no limit to how much traffic and recognition you can get in your market. Just take action now!

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